106 research outputs found

    Phänomenologie und Bekämpfung von "Cyberpiraterie" : eine kriminologische und kriminalpolitische Analyse

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    Illegale Beschaffung und Distribution von Schutzgegenständen geistigen Eigentums über das Internet haben sich spätestens seit dem Siegeszug der sogenannten Online-Tauschbörsen (P2P-Filesharing-Systeme) zu einem regelrechten Massenphänomen entwickelt. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die vielfältigen Tatbegehungsmodalitäten, die Täterstruktur und -motivation, die Auswirkungen von Cyberpiraterie sowie Bekämpfungs- und Überwachungsstrategien bezüglich des Problems. Neben einer kritischen Beurteilung der strafrechtlichen Situation enthält die Arbeit auch eigene Lösungsvorschläge.Die Dissertation gliedert sich in drei Teile: Der erste Teil enthält eine Einführung, in der auch die wichtigsten technischen Zusammenhänge erläutert werden. Teil 2 beschäftigt sich mit der ältesten Form digitaler Piraterie, der Softwarepiraterie (auch: ‘Warez-Szene’). Teil 3 schließlich behandelt das recht neue Phänomen der Online-Musikpiraterie (‘MP3-Szene’).Angesichts der starken Dynamik des Themenkreises ist bei der Wahl der Bekämpfungsstrategien stets die aktuelle digitale Realität zu berücksichtigen. Der Wahlspruch der Verwertungsgesellschaften, wonach ‘das Schützbare zu schützen und das Nicht-Schützbare zu vergüten’ ist, scheidet in diesem Zusammenhang die Geister. Während die Vertreter der Unterhaltungsindustrie sämtliche digitalen Werke für schützbar erklären, zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit exemplarisch auf, dass ein umfassender Schutz digitaler Inhalte im Internet zur Zeit weder rechtlich noch technisch durchsetzbar ist. Nicht nur aus diesem Grund sondern auch aus rechtspolitischen und kriminologischen Erwägungen ist es dringend geboten, zivilrechtliche Alternativen zu dem derzeit eingeschlagenen, strafrechtlichen Weg zu etablieren

    Bacterial adaptation during chronic infection revealed by independent component analysis of transcriptomic data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bacteria employ a variety of adaptation strategies during the course of chronic infections. Understanding bacterial adaptation can facilitate the identification of novel drug targets for better treatment of infectious diseases. Transcriptome profiling is a comprehensive and high-throughput approach for characterization of bacterial clinical isolates from infections. However, exploitation of the complex, noisy and high-dimensional transcriptomic dataset is difficult and often hindered by low statistical power.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we have applied two kinds of unsupervised analysis methods, principle component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA), to extract and characterize the most informative features from transcriptomic dataset generated from cystic fibrosis (CF) <it>Pseudomonas aeruginosa </it>isolates. ICA was shown to be able to efficiently extract biological meaningful features from the transcriptomic dataset and improve clustering patterns of CF isolates. Decomposition of the transcriptomic dataset by ICA also facilitates gene identification and gene ontology enrichment.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results show that <it>P. aeruginosa </it>employs multiple patient-specific adaption strategies during the early stage infections while certain essential adaptations are evolved in parallel during the chronic infections.</p

    Hvad er pointen med matematiske pointer?

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    Kommentar til artiklen. Når pointer styrer matematikundervisningen fra MONA, 2012(3)

    Cooperation between ‹Assistance›, ‹Consulting› and ‹Development Partnership›: Reflections from a School Development Project on Cooperation between Schools and Universities in Design-based Research

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    Die Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und Praxis in Schulentwicklungsprojekten steht vor vielfältigen Herausforderungen. Der Beitrag analysiert und reflektiert die Ausgestaltung von Kooperationsstrukturen und Kommunikationswegen in entwicklungsorientierten Forschungsprojekten zur Schulentwicklung am Beispiel des Darmstädter Modellschulprojekts. In diesem gestaltungs- und entwicklungsorientierten Forschungsprojekt wurden drei Schulen auf ihrem Weg zu digital souverän agierenden und im Schulalltag ‹digital literacy› vermittelnden Schulen forschend begleitet: eine integrierte Gesamtschule, eine berufliche Schule sowie eine Sprachheilschule. Die Kooperation erfolgte über zwei Jahre. In der Betrachtung schulischer Teilprojekte beschreibt der Beitrag drei unterschiedliche Kooperationsmodi zwischen Praktiker:innen und Wissenschaftler:innen, die Entwicklungsprozesse für alle Beteiligten ermöglichten: «Zuarbeit», «Beratung» und «Entwicklungspartnerschaft». Auf der Basis der vorgestellten Kooperationsmodi wird sichtbar, mit welchen Herausforderungen und Konflikten die Personen aus wissenschaftlicher und praktischer Perspektive konfrontiert waren. Anstatt lediglich zwischen erfolgreicher oder nicht erfolgreicher Kooperation zu unterscheiden, eröffnen die skizzierten «Grade» der Kooperation eine Heuristik, um Formen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Praktiker:innen sowie Forschenden reflektieren wie auch aktiv und sensibel gestalten zu können.Cooperation between science and practice in school development projects faces many challenges. This article analyses and reflects on the design of cooperation structures and communication channels in development-oriented research projects on school development using the example of the Darmstadt Model School Project. In the design-oriented research project, three schools – an integrated, comprehensive school, a vocational school and a school with a special focus on language support – were accompanied by research on their way to becoming digitally confident schools that teach ‹digital literacy› in everyday school life. The cooperation took place over two years. Looking closer at the different school sub-projects, we describe different cooperation formats between practitioners and researchers, enabling development processes for all participants. We distinguish between three modes of cooperation: «assistance», «consultation», and «development partnership». On this basis, the various challenges and conflicts become apparent from a scientific and practical perspective

    Анализ влияния физико-химических методов воздействия на продуктивные пласты Ямбургского нефтегазоконденсатного месторождения (ЯНАО)

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    Во введении раскрывается актуальность выбранной темы, цель и задачи выпускной квалификационной работы. В первой главе изложены теоретические основы методов воздействия, список методов, способы и технологии их проведения и влияние на пласт. Во второй главе дана характеристика изучаемого месторождения. Описана нефтегазоносность месторождения, характеристика коллектора и добываемого газа. В третьей главе проанализированы методы воздействия, применяемые на пласт на ЯНГКМ. В четвертой главе представлен анализ стоимости проведения ГРП. В пятой главе проведен анализ влияния вредных факторов и методы их избежания.The introduction reveals the relevance of the selected topic, the purpose and objectives of the final qualification work. The first chapter sets out the theoretical foundations of impact methods, methods and technologies for their implementation and the effect on the formation. The second chapter describes the studied field. The oil and gas content of the field, the characteristics of the reservoir and produced gas are described. The third chapter analyzes the methods of action applied to the reservoir. The fourth chapter presents an analysis of the cost of hydraulic fracturing. The fifth chapter analyzes the influence of harmful factors and methods of avoidance

    Interpretation of health-related quality of life outcomes in Parkinson's disease from the EARLYSTIM Study.

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    The EARLYSTIM Study compared deep brain stimulation (DBS) with best medical treatment (BMT) over 2-years, showing a between-group difference of 8.0 from baseline in favor of DBS in health-related quality of life (HRQoL), measured with the PDQ-39 SI (summary index). This study obtained complementary information about the importance of the change in HRQoL as measured by the PDQ-39, using anchor-based (Patient Global Impression of Change, PGIC) and distribution-based techniques (magnitude of change, effect size, thresholds, distribution of benefit) applied to the EARLYSTIM study data. Anchor-based techniques showed a difference follow-up-baseline for patients who reported "minimal improvement" of -5.8 [-9.9, -1.6] (mean [95%CI]) in the DBS group vs -2.9 [-9.0, 3.1] in the BMT group. As the vast majority (80.8%) of DBS patients reported "much or very much improvement", this difference was explored for the latter group and amounted to -8.7 for the DBS group and -6.5 in the BMT group. Distribution-based techniques that analyzed the relative change and treatment effect size showed a moderate benefit of the DBS on the HRQoL, whereas a slight worsening was observed in the BMT group. The change in the DBS group (-7.8) was higher than the MIC (Minimally Important Change) estimated value (-5.8 by the anchor; -6.3 by triangulation of thresholds), but not in the BMT (0.2 vs. -3.0 to -5.4, respectively). Almost 90% of the patients in the DBS group declared some improvement (58.3% and 56.7% beyond the estimated MIC), which was significantly different from the BMT group whose proportions were 32.0% and 30.3%, respectively. The number needed to treat to improve ≥1 MIC by DBS vs BMT was 3.8. Change in depression, disability and pain influenced the improvement of the DBS group. DBS improved HRQoL in a high proportion of patients to a significant and moderate degree, at 2 years follow-up

    Измерение диаметра медной проволоки

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    В работе рассмотрены методы контроля диаметра медной проволоки. Выбран электропотенциальный метод, как наиболее простой и имеющий линейную функцию преобразования. Проведены экспериментальные исследования по изменению параметров электропотенциальный метод и выявлению наиболее подходящих для достижения максимальной точности измерения диаметра медной проволоки. Также в работе рассмотрена возможность определения наличия дефектов с помощью электропотенциального метода.In work methods of the control of diameter of a copper wire are considered. Electro-potential method is chosen, as the simplest and having a linear transformation function. Experimental studies have been carried out to change the parameters of the electro-potential method and to identify the most suitable for achieving the maximum accuracy of measuring the diameter of a copper wire. Also, the possibility of determining the presence of defects with the help of the electro-potential method is considered

    Exploring the Optical Transient Sky with the Palomar Transient Factory

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    The Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) is a wide-field experiment designed to investigate the optical transient and variable sky on time scales from minutes to years. PTF uses the CFH12k mosaic camera, with a field of view of 7.9 deg^2 and a plate scale of 1 asec/pixel, mounted on the the Palomar Observatory 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope. The PTF operation strategy is devised to probe the existing gaps in the transient phase space and to search for theoretically predicted, but not yet detected, phenomena, such as fallback supernovae, macronovae, .Ia supernovae and the orphan afterglows of gamma-ray bursts. PTF will also discover many new members of known source classes, from cataclysmic variables in their various avatars to supernovae and active galactic nuclei, and will provide important insights into understanding galactic dynamics (through RR Lyrae stars) and the Solar system (asteroids and near-Earth objects). The lessons that can be learned from PTF will be essential for the preparation of future large synoptic sky surveys like the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. In this paper we present the scientific motivation for PTF and describe in detail the goals and expectations for this experiment.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PAS